To facilitate easy and efficient navigation for exploring the PhyloNext pipeline, a user-friendly, web-based graphical user interface (GUI) has been developed by Thomas Stjernegaard Jeppesen.

The GUI is available at https://phylonext.gbif.org/.

GBIF user account required

To access the GUI, users must have a GBIF user account.
To register an account, please visit https://www.gbif.org/.

This interface offers a simplified approach to accessing phylogenetic diversity information, requiring minimal technical expertise. Built as a single-page application using the React.js JavaScript framework, the GUI effectively controls the PhyloNext pipeline by communicating with a REST web service written in Node.js.

WebGUI - configuration screen
WebGUI App - Configuration

WebGUI - run progress
WebGUI App - Progress

WebGUI - results screen
WebGUI App - Results

The source code for the GUI can be found at https://github.com/gbif/phylonext-ui/, while the web service code is available at https://github.com/gbif/phylonext-ws.

Issues with the GUI

If you encounter any errors, please kindly report them on the GitHub issue tracker: